Gilbert Omega Match Rugby Ball

Gilbert Omega Match Rugby Ball Size 5
Match balls are higher quality and have better technology, than training balls.
But with that improvement, comes an increase in manufacturing costs. Gilbert created the Omega Match Ball, to offer match ball quality to schools and clubs- at a price less than higher grade match balls.
It is made from 3 layers, as opposed to a training ball that is normally made from 2 layers. This additional layer improves handling and flight.
Being a match ball, the Omega is also hand stitched, and has a Ture Flight valve. A training ball often has the valve located in the middle of a panel on the ball. This results in an unbalance ball, which affects its flight and handling. A True Flight valve, is located in the ball seam, resulting in more balance- which means better handling and flight.
With the specially designed G-S rubber compound surface and standard grip, the players can present the finest moves with the peace of mind that the Omega will deliver the best.
If you want a match ball that will fly with you through all conditions, you need the Omega.